Instructions for Referees

Consider the following questions when writing your report:

  • Assess significance
    • Is the topic addressed important/interesting? (Does the review say why?)
    • How original is the review? 
(compared with existing reviews of field?)
    • Are the results reported significant?
  • Verify accuracy
    • Are all claims backed by evidence?
    • Are the evidences relevant/reliable/sufficient?
    • Are methods/results appropriate and
    • Is important relevant work omitted?
    • Does the review suffer from any bias?
  • Improve clarity
    • Is the review well organized?
    • Do title/abstract accurately reflect content?
    • Right level of detail?
    • Language issues or typos?

The typical report consists of one page of plain text. To help the author and editor, all claims should be backed by evidence.

A note on the format of your peer-review: the best format to submit your review is just plain text pasted in the relevant fields. Alternatively, you can submit a PDF or DOC document, but be aware that your name might be included in the metadata of that document, thereby compromising your anonymity.

  • Last modified: 2018/10/23 13:26